The before and after of my "first" detailed watercolor painting. This was requested by my former co-teacher, and now considered as my friend. She told me she wanted something that will make her worst day a better day by just looking at something "relaxing". I don't even know of this scene were existing in my country or the other but this makes me calm and relax already and I don't even like to give this to any as this painting become my favorite all of a sudden. But I have to start my exposure as a painter since I must sell my artworks soon. Also, this painting was my second painting that I need to let go regardless of its beauty. I told myself "I can paint this again because I made it" but some people say "FIRST can never be beaten" or something like that.

Dear Park Sun Hi

Freelance Artist. Graphic Designer. Adventurer. Teacher. Fangirl. "For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." -Eph 2:10


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